K&R Custom Software, Inc.

Quality Since 1975

Web Bills

Browser-based retrieval of bills and other reports

WebBills provides secure access for users to view their telephone bills and/or reports through a web browser.


  • PKI-SSL (CAC-enabled) web application designed to allow for quick and easy distribution of monthly telephone services bills.
  • Authorized personnel (e.g. TCO or IMO) may access their bills (and only theirs) across the intranet and view, print, or download those bills through a web browser. Avoid wasted time sending hundreds of emails or paper bills each month.
  • Current and historical (up to 36 months) bills are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Installation on the TMS server or on an existing intranet server.

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Entry form example
Month selection example
Bill display example